There's no denying it...


Ready to finally start posting videos consistently on social media?

People usually get hung up on these two things...


  😵 Most creators spend 20-40 hours per week on content creation. (Add more for strategizing, posting, engaging, commenting, and digging into metrics.)

  😳 Alex Hormozi spends over $70,000 per month on his content teams.

Have you been thinking about posting videos on LinkedIn, but just haven't started?

Maybe you...

🚫 Don't know how to talk about your service (marketing your business) on video.

🚫 Feel nervous and freeze up when it comes time to hit 'record.'

🚫 Are worried about how your followers will perceive you when you start sharing videos.

🚫 Don't want to manage an editor or hire an internal content team.

🚫 Don't have the time or capacity to learn how to create videos that look good enough to post.

🚫 Get hung up on the minor details, like "do I even have the right background"?

How much easier would it be to just chat about your business, your clients, and your services in a real, organic conversation?

That's exactly the type of experience I offer when you work with me.

What if you could have your content done for you...

... and all you had to do was show up to ONE video call each month?

The solution:

Done-For-You Videos for Thought Leaders

  • Professionally-edited

  • Videos for the entire month

  • Fast turn-around

  • Custom content strategy


➔ Together, we create the perfect content strategy that aligns with your goals.

We do a video call where I interview you in a way that feels conversational and easy.

All of your content is DONE for the next month so you can start posting consistently on LinkedIn.

Watch your engagement grow as you build trust with your audience.

With intentional and consistent content, you start getting inquiries and sales.

Plus, you'll never have to worry about what to post again.

But maybe you're thinking...

"I HATE being on video."

I get it. It's hard to show up and be yourself when that red 'record' light is flashing.

But that's exactly why I'm here.

To take away the cringe feelings & the overwhelm from video creation.

My process is completely different than when you tried to set up some Amazon video equipment on your own, didn't know what to say, and felt like an imposter. I'm with you every step of the process, making sure you leave with videos you're proud to share on social.

Like Mary...

It's like having your own personal content genie + confidence coach.

All you have to do is show up and have a conversation about the things you're passionate about, and I'll deliver intentional content that markets your business and feels authentically you.



  • You're a C-suite exec and are ready to become the face of your company to connect with customers (because you know that people trust people, not companies).

  • You're a solopreneur with a successful offering that you're selling (think online course or high-end service business).

  • You're an author getting ready to launch a book, and want to create a content plan to build the buzz about your book.

  • You are ready to be seen as the go-to thought leader in your space.



1. Intro call with me

We’ll chat about your business, brand strategy, and content goals.

2. Review the Strategy

This will ensure we’re aligned on content pillars, goals, & topics.

3. Join your content call

Think of it like chatting with a friend over coffee!

4. Review your videos

Approve your clips or request any edits.

5. Download and post

Grab all of your videos, save them, and start posting to social (or hire me to do all writing + scheduling for you)!

How would it feel to have a brand strategist marketing YOU as a thought leader on LinkedIn?

Hi! I'm Kimberlee...

If you’re nervous about taking up space and stepping into the spotlight with video: I get it. I felt the same way. (Heck, I still feel that way sometimes!)

But I know firsthand the power of a personal brand. When I built my first business, clients often told me they chose our company because of the way our team showed up consistently on video. 

Even when it felt uncomfortable, I learned to show up imperfectly anyway... and it worked.

Because people connect with people, not brands. 

I have over 17 years of expertise in digital marketing and branding, both for my own businesses, and others. I’m incredibly passionate about helping founders find their voice to connect with their audience. If that’s you, let’s talk.


Most video agencies charge a minimum of $5,000 per month just for editing. (They don’t help you capture the video; you're on your own for that!). Want to hire a videographer? That’s another $5K+, and doesn’t include strategy or writing. And then there’s content management and social media posting/scheduling. That will run you another $2500+. Content is expensive.

But we make it a no-brainer. And we make it simple, with just two monthly plans to choose from:

Custom Impact Plan

  • Complete content strategy

  • Monthly content capture sessions

  • All of your videos for the month (16-20 clips, usually 20 seconds to 2 minutes max)

  • Videos professionally edited with custom edits (including captions, broll footage, custom graphics, animated text and intros)

  • Copywriting for your posts

  • Custom content calendar

  • Social media management (scheduling/posting)


$6,000/month *limited offer

Clip + Captions Plan

  • Complete content strategy

  • Monthly content capture sessions

  • All of your videos for the month (16-20 clips)

  • Videos professionally edited with custom edits (including captions, broll footage, custom graphics, animated text and intros)


$3,500/month *limited offer

Are you ready to become more visible?

Let's do this... together.


I don't know what to say on camera. Will you coach me?

Absolutely! That's why this service is so unique, and unlike ANYthing else on the market. I take the time to dive deep into your business and create a content strategy based on your goals. Then I'll take that strategy, and create questions to ask you during our content session to help pull content that will resonate with your audience.

And if you aren't sure what to say, I'll coach you through the process and give you real-time feedback during our call.

What if I'm awkward in videos?

This is different than anything you've tried before. It isn't just hitting record and feeling like you're on the spot. I will pull content from you in a way that feels very relaxed and organic. I promise you won't feel like you have to 'perform.'

Think of it like you're having a conversation with a friend. Can you easily share about your passion and expertise in a conversation? That's the key. We take the pressure off, ask you questions, have a conversation, and give you the space to share.

What style of videos will you create?

We know every brand is different, which is why we'll build a video style guide specific for you. You'll have a chance to review, request edits, and approve the style guide before we ever start editing your videos.

I don’t have a personality like Gary Vee, Alex Hormozi, or Codie Sanchez. Can an introvert still be successful with this style of videos?

The best thing you can do in this process is to bring your full self to the experience. It's not about trying to 'fake it' or mold yourself into a version of you that you think people want to see. This is about showing up as you are, and sharing about your passion for your work, your business, and the gifts you bring to the world.

I'm not here to make you into a mini-version of one of these successful entrepreneurs. I'm here to shine the light on who you are, and help amplify your voice in a way that builds trust with your audience.

What about edits?

We're pretty dang confident that you'll love your final videos. Not 100% head over heels? No problem; one round of edits is included for each content session. You can request as many edits or changes to your videos during that revision round.

What equipment will I need?

We make this as easy as possible for you, so all you need is an iPhone! We'll handle everything else. After you sign your contract, we'll ship you all of the equipment you'll need for our content filming sessions.

Why not just hire someone on Upwork to edit my videos?

Sure, you can definitely try that option! But keep in mind: you will still need to manage that person! Video production takes a lot of work and back-and-forth feedback to get it to a point where you're happy with the result.

Even the best freelance video editors need a lot of oversight. When you work with me, I make sure that when you see your videos to review, you're getting a polished version after a lot of edits and tweaks that I've already made. Taking you out of the messy middle so it's nearly completely hands-off!

How involved will YOU be in the process?

This isn’t like typical agencies where you get passed off to random outsourced freelancers! I do have a small team to support production, but I will be your Creative Director through the entire process.

How are you different from other agencies?

Most video production companies ask you to send them the footage, and then they'll edit it for you. That cost (for video editing ALONE) is typically $5000-$8000 a month. And then you still have to do all the work of planning your content, figuring out what to say, filming yourself, and submitting the raw footage.

This is completely different. I'll be your content strategist, and capture the video content with you. Plus, I will coach you through the entire process, making sure that we're pulling content that aligns with your strategy. This is truly unlike any other agency out there. We are the FIRST full-service LinkedIn video agency.

Do I have to sign up for a certain commitment, or can I try month-to-month?

If you really want to be successful with content marketing, you need to show up consistently. It's a long game. I want to work with clients for at least three months (although once you get to know me and experience this process, I'm confident you won't want to leave). I do ask for a 3-month commitment when you sign on to work with me. After that, you can go month-to-month.

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